Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)

Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)

Schools should work closely with parents and guardians in order to support those young people who have previously been in care. Designated Teachers should make themselves known to parents and guardians in order to give them a forum to discuss any issues that are effecting their child’s education.




Although it is not statutory like the Personal Education Plan is for Children looked After, Somerset Virtual School offers a pro forma to support an education planning meeting for Previously Looked After Children, the EPPLAC.

The EPPLAC (Education Plan for Previously Looked After Children)is a tool to support schools and parents in ensuring and promoting the education and well-being of Previously Looked After Children. The Virtual School recommends that the EPPLAC is used at a point of transition, a move to a new class or school, or at a time of difficulty. As with a PEP it will need to be reviewed termly; however it is acceptable to review less frequently if all parties are in agreement

EPPLAC Guidance


EPPLAC Initial


If you need advice and guidance please email

Pupil Premium & PLAC

Children adopted from care and those on Special Guardianship Orders and Child Arrangement Orders are entitled to Pupil Premium funding  passed directly to the school following the school’s submission of its annual census document which declares adopted children where parents choose to share this information.

This grant, its allocation and use in schools is outside the remit of the Virtual School. 

Pupil Premium Conditions of Grant 2022-2023

School leaders are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice. Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils and schools are not required to spend all of the allocated grant on eligible pupils.

It is for school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium, within the requirements of the conditions of grant.

Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when used across 3 areas.

  1. High-quality teaching, such as staff professional development.
  2. Targeted academic support, such as tutoring.
  3. Wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support.

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) recommend that schools particularly focus their pupil premium on supporting high-quality teaching.

Useful Documents

Meeting the Needs of Adopted and Permanently Placed Children A Guide for School Staff


