Accessing Funding – Pupil Premium Grant for CLA

Accessing Funding – Pupil Premium Grant for CLA

 Support for funding queries

If you need advice and guidance with any aspect of Pupil Premium Grant for Looked After Children (PP+), please email and your query will be directed to the appropriate person.

Accessing Pupil Premium Funding for Children looked After

PPG for CLA is a completely separate funding stream from the PPG paid to schools directly for their vulnerable groups.

In Somerset, PPG for CLA is allocated to support identified need and agreed measures to meet these needs. This funding is provided to the Virtual School  for CLA who are in Reception to Year 11. There is a small amount of Pupil Premium funding available for Early Years CLA aged three and four.  From September 2023, Pupil Premium will also be available to post 16 CLA.

In line with the ‘Conditions of Grant’ which determine the use of the PPG, it must be deployed to bring about an increase in rates of progress or to improve academic outcomes for children and young people in care.

The process of identification, mapping provision and agreeing financial support takes place through the PEP process, the meeting being the place for discussion and agreement in principal and the PEP document being the means of recording intention and approval of funds.

Somerset’s Pupil Premium Policy

To help ensure the Pupil Premium Grant available to support Somerset’s CLA is well used, you can find  the Somerset Virtual School Pupil Premium Policy   and information relating to payments to schools and the latest Conditions of Grant below.
